After an exchange or when you finished your program and finally got that precious degree ... you become a Ghent University Alumnus.

More information:

↗️ Ghent University Alumni abroad

📧 [email protected]


When officially graduated from Ghent University, you will become part of our worldwide alumni network. Being an alumnus means being connected to our - your - university forever.

Via Infinitum, Ghent University’s online alumni platform, you become part of a community. It keeps you in touch with fellow alumni and keeps you updated on Ghent University’s people anywhere in the world. Infinitum keeps you informed about the activities of our global alumni chapters and the numerous efforts of our local alumni representatives. As an international alumnus or a Belgian alumnus living abroad, you will be automatically part of our international alumni network through the group 'Alumni abroad' in Infinitum.

Furthermore, you will receive invitations to (online) events at which you can see old fellow alumni and connect with new interesting people. Infinitum keeps you informed with news from your alma mater and new insights in your field. If you feel ready to take a new step in your career, Infinitum will lead the way.

Interested to become an international ambassador for Ghent University? To establish and to support alumni chapters we are always looking for enthusiastic representatives willing to become our contact points in different countries and work with us in the coming years.

<aside> 🎓 Join the Alumni community by registering at Ghent University Infinitum
